It has been a busy start to the year with two important concerts behind me that featured some brilliant music and colleagues. Most recently, the Riot Ensemble took the Wigmore Hall by storm with a fantastic new work by Hilda Parades, and we included one of our signature tunes: Brian Ferneyhough’s Liber Scintillarium – sparks did fly, as the title suggests. We will be performing more of Hilda’s work in the future.
Before this Stephanie Lamprea and I presented a Double Portrait concert in Edinburgh College of Art featuring two composers not often performed in the UK, Patricia Alessandrini and Rebecca Saunders. The duo work by Saunders O, yes & I was included, as was the incandescent O for solo voice. A review of the concert can be found here. Alongside older works for flute and voice by Alessandrini, we programmed il y a plus d’eau que prévu sur la lune for contrabass flute, voice and electronics (2021). Originally a radiophonic work for the brilliant flutist Keiko Murakami, I adapted the piece for a live performance. (For the flute players: pictured is one of Jelle Hogenhuis’ contrabass flutes. Photo: Tim Cooper).
Last year I was a guest player in Stephanie Lamprea‘s and Tom Green’s Hidden Door production. The live recordings from the show are now available on Bandcamp featuring some brilliant improvisations and Anthropocenic sonic tapestries. Here is an interview with Stephanie about the production and the release.