

06/02/2024 Patricia Alessandrini & Rebecca Saunders portrait concert, West Court, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh University, Scotland

Patricia Alessandrini:
Il y a plus d’eau que prévu sur la lune for contrabass flute and electronics*
Esquisse d’après Artaud alto flute, voice and electronics
Spento è già in me l’ardore for voice and flute
Arnold Schoenberg: der Kranke Mond for voice and flute
*UK premiere

Rebecca Saunders‘ solo voice work O and the voice and bass flute duo O, yes & I

Voice: Stephanie Lamprea

15/02/2024 Lunchtime concert, Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh
Performance with pianist Christopher Baxter, programme tbc

24/02/2024 Riot Ensemble, Wigmore Hall, London
The Riot Ensemble perform a new work by Hilda Paredes and Brian Ferneyhough’s Liber Scintillarium

26/05/2024 SPOR Festival, Riot Ensemble, Denmark
Bára Gísladóttir’s ensemble work The moon is an eye is a pond and so on and so forth

15/06/2024 Paisley Abbey lunchtime concert
Playing a selection of new and old music with pianist Chris Baxter

20-22/06/2024 Orpheus Instituut, Gent, Belgium
Working with Jonathan Impett on a performance and recording of a new installation work.

26/06/2024 STEREO with Stephanie Lamprea and Alistair McDonald, Glasgow
Joining forces with Stephanie and Alistair for an improvised set

21/07/2024 Riot Ensemble at Liverpool University
Programme tbc

04/09/2024 Riot Ensemble at the Gaudeamus Festival
Works by Tuomas Kettunen, Soosan Lolavar, Cem Güven and Beniamino Fiorini

18-20/10/2024 MIXTUR festival, Riot Ensemble, Spain
The Riot ensemble perform works by Chaya Czernowin and Irene Galindo

23-25/10/24 IPSA DIXIT, Sound Festival, Scotland
Kate Soper’s work for voice and ensemble, led by Stephanie Lamprea

02/11/24 Nordic Viola – Artic Edgelands, Nordic Music Days, Glasgow
Guest performer with Nordic Viola, playing work by Katherine Wren, Arnannguaq Gerstrøm  and Renzo Spiteri in Scotland’s hosting of the Scandinavian festival Nordic Music Days

08/11/24 Brunel University lunchtime concert, London
Reprise of works for flute, cello, guitar and theorbo by John Croft, José Manuel Serrano and Sam Cave

09/11/24 Duo Concert with Chris Baxter, Edinburgh
Concert for the Edinburgh Society of Musicians

19-21/11/24 Riot ensemble perform Hilda Parades, Weit Weingarten, Germany
Riot ensemble perform works by Parades including a new work with Irvine Arditti

06-7/12/24 Glasgow Experimental Music Anniversary, Crypt, Glasgow Cathedral
Performing my own works in the Crypt of Glasgow Cathedral

12/12/24 Explore Ensemble, London Contemporary Music Festival
Performance with Explore ensemble featuring work by James Clarke


12/01/2023 Creative Informatics – Research project sessions
Led by Dimitris Papageorgiou “Improvisation Technologies and Creative Machines”

24/02/2023 Contemporary Flute Composition Seminar, Royal Academy of Music, London
Co-ordinated by the Riot Ensemble, a reading session and workshop on contemporary flute techniques

20-25/03/2023 MaerzMusik with the Riot Ensemble, Berlin
Performances of new work by Alex Paxton, Bethan Morgan Williams and Bára Gísladóttir

Performing alongside Stephanie Lamprea, Fergus Heatherington and Darren Gallacher

05/05/2023 Riot Ensemble Inaugural Residency Concert at Liverpool University, Tung Hall
Works by student composers Turowski, Burke and Fukuda.

19/05/2023 Scottish Art Club – Flute & Organ, St Peter’s Church, Edinburgh
First concert of a new duo with Michael Bonaventure – PNEUMA – to include newly composed works for each other as well as works by Machaut and Stockhausen’s Tierkreis

02/06/2023 ANTHROPOCENIC GARDEN – Hidden Door Festival, Edinburgh
Performing in a piece by Stephanie Lamprea, developed in collaboration with choreographer Penny Chivas, composer Tom Green and vocalist Stephanie Lamprea

09/06/2023 Duo concert with Stephanie Lamprea, INSPACE, Edinburgh
Duo and solo works by Soper, Ferneyhough and a newly composed work by Thomas Metcalf for voice, flute and electronics

26/6/2023 Music Conference – Innovation in Music, Napier University, Edinburgh
A performance alongside Dimitris Papageorgiou demonstrating the AHRC funded “Improvisation Technologies and Creative Machines”

05-10/07/2023 Riot Ensemble, Time of Music, Viitassari Finland
Performance of Haas’ Solstices, Liza Lim’s Extinction Events and a new work by Tuomas Kettunen

18-22/09/2023 Riot Ensemble, Warsaw Autumn, Poland
Programme to be confirmed

13/10/2023 Performance at Brunel University
New works for flute, cello, guitar and theorbo by John Croft, José Manuel Serrano and Sam Cave

28/10/2023 PNEUMA at the Sound Festival, Aberdeen
A concert with the organist Michael Bonaventure performing Tierkreis by Stockhausen and new work by myself and Michael for the duo.

30/10/2023 Performance at University of Edinburgh
New works for flute, cello, guitar and theorbo by John Croft, José Manuel Serrano and Sam Cave

16/11/2023 Duo concert with Stephanie Lamprea, Old Hairdressers, Glasgow
Works by Soper, Dillon, Weeks and the Scottish premiere of Rebecca Saunders’ Oh Yes & I

23-27/11/2023 Riot Ensemble at HCMF
Repertoire TBC


22-23/02/2022 Riot Ensemble, Barber Evening Concerts, Birmingham
Goska Isphording perform’s Xenakis’s work for harpsichord and ensemble ‘A L’île de Gorée’, and ensemble works by Sanchez-Verdu and Anna Clyne

15-16/03/2022 Riot Ensemble, Kings Place, London
Goska Isphording perform’s Xenakis’s work for harpsichord and ensemble ‘A L’île de Gorée’, and ensemble works by Sanchez-Verdu and Anna Clyne

11-18/04/2022 GEORGIC by Max Murray, Boston and Montreal, USA
Boston Art Lab and NO HAY BANDA, Montreal will present Max Murray‘s music theatre piece. Performers include Samuel Stoll and Noëlle-Anne Darbellay

11-16/06/2022 Octandre Ensemble at LCMF, and solo performances
A premiere a new work by Frank Denyer, and a solo performance of émoi by Evan Johnson

17-19/06/2022 Riot Ensemble, Aldeburgh Festival, Snape Maltings, UK
The Riot Ensemble present their first concert for the Aldeburgh Festival including works by Martlew, Fallah and Lim.

03-07/07/2022 Riot Ensemble, Tzlil meudchan, Tel Aviv, Israel
Works to be confirmed

29-3/08/2022 Octandre Ensemble recording, London
New works by Frank Denyer recorded for Another Timbre

2-11/09/2022 Riot Ensemble ensemble in residence at the Gaudeamus Festival, Utrecht, Holland
Works by resident composers, and a premiere of a new work by Evan Johnson

11-13/09/2022 Riot Ensemble at the Klangspuren Festival, Austria
Works by Farzia Fallah, Naomi Pinnock and Alex Paxton

27/10/2022 Reid Concert, Edinburgh University

14/10/2022 Kings Place – Riot Ensemble, London
Works by Del Tredici, Naomi Pinnock and Anna Korsun

16/09/2022 Recording session
Recording Mary Bellamy‘s Semblance for solo bass flute for a disc to include ensemble and chamber works performed by ELISION

30/10/2022 GIO Birthday Concert
Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra 20th Anniversary concert with Maggie Nicols and Evan Parker.

20-21/11/2022 HCMF with the Riot Ensemble, Huddersfield
Works by Aaron Holloway-Nahum, Lisa Streich and Anna Korsun

12/11/2022 Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra & Ceò is Craic CCA, Glasgow
Collaborative performance

30-3/11-12/2022 GIOfest, Glasgow
Performances across Glasgow with invited artists and Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra

07-19/12/2022 Distat Terra Festival, Choele Choel, Río Negro, Argentina
Performances with the Riot Ensemble, teaching and performing Sciarrino’s La Perfezione di uno Spirito Sottile for flute and voice at Argentina’s biggest contemporary festival.


21-22/07/21 Ensemble Octandre, Installation ‘Sub’ , London
Guest player in a new work by Jack Sheen for large spatialised ensemble

6-14/09/21 Riot Ensemble, Iceland
Developing a new work in collaboration with the Icelandic composer Bára Gísladóttir

20/11/21 Wales International Piano Competition
Adjudicator for the accompaniment competition

22/10/21 Riot Ensemble, Transit Festival, Belgium
Performance to include new work by Gísladottir

27-30/10/21 Riot Ensemble, Crossroads Festival Salzburg
Alexander Ho, Jeeyoung Yoo, Giulia Monducci, Michele Abondano and Ferneyhough

27-30/10/21 Riot Ensemble, Open Music, Graz
Works by Clara Iannotta, Brian Ferneyhough, Joanna Bailie and Anna Korsun

11/10/21 Solo concert in the Music Current Festival , Dublin
New works by Fergal Dowling, José Manuel Serrano, Seán ó Dálaigh and performances of Egidija Medekšaitė  and Richard Barrett

20/11/21 Riot Ensemble, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, England
Works by Gísladóttir, Czernowin and Hettne

20/11/21 Recording session with Another Timbre
A new work by Evan Johnson for his portrait disc

3/12/21 Riot Ensemble Royal Holloway Composers Workshop, London
Composition workshop for the composers – chamber and solo works

8/12/21 Riot Ensemble Composers Workshop, City University, London
Composition workshop

12/12 Octandre Ensemble, Recording Sessions – postponed
Recording works by Frank Denyer with the London-based ensemble.


(Strikethrough represents cancelled or postponed concerts)

14-16/02/20 ReNEW Riot Ensemble, Kings Place, London
The inaugural concert of Riot Ensemble’s ReNEW series at Kings Place. Repertoire to include Aaron Holloway-Nahum, Liza Lim and Laurence Osborne

28/02/20 UPROAR – Professor Bad Trip, Chapter, Cardiff
Playing with the Welsh new music ensemble UPROAR with Saariaho’s Lichtbogen, Murail‘s Winter Fragments and Romitelli‘s Professor Bad Trip, including several new works by Welsh composers.

01/03/20 Scottish Arts Club – Recital, Edinburgh
Works for solo flute/s including new works by Matheson and repertoire by Creswell (repertoire tbc)

09/03/20 Voice of Fire, St Padarn church, Aberystwyth, Wales
Improvised music with Rhodri Davies and Angharad Davies

11/03/20 Riot Ensemble, Liverpool University
A performance with the Riot Ensemble in Liverpool University’s Open Circuit Festival performing Hackbarth, Ferneyhough and Grisey

21/03/20 UPROAR – Professor Bad Trip, Galeri, Caernarfon
Playing with the Welsh new music ensemble UPROAR with Saariaho’s Lichtbogen, Murail‘s Winter Fragments and Romitelli‘s Professor Bad Trip, including several new works by Welsh composers.

23/03/20 Solo concert – Huddersfield University Concert Series
A recital of works from students, as well as repertoire by Mary Bellamy and Brian Ferneyhough

17-18/04/20 Dublin SoundLab, Ireland
Two solo concerts in the SoundLab festival including new works by Fergal Dowling, José Manuel Serrano and Piaras Hoban

25/04/20 UPROAR – Professor Bad Trip, Bristol
Playing with the Welsh new music ensemble UPROAR with Saariaho’s Lichtbogen, Murail‘s Winter Fragments and Romitelli‘s Professor Bad Trip, including several new works by Welsh composers.

01-4/05/20 Resident musician at the Welsh International Piano Festival, Caernarfon, Wales
Performances of the chamber music of Ravel, as well as resident musician and adjudicator for the accompaniment competition in the piano festival

08/05/20 A performance of Max Murray’s GeorgicHarvard University Art Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA
A performance of Max Murray’s new theatre work with Noëlle-Anne Darbellay and Samuel Stoll

11/05/20 A performance of Max Murray’s GeorgicNO HAY BANDA, La Sala Rossa / Montreal, QC, Canada
A performance of Max Murray’s new theatre work with Noëlle-Anne Darbellay and Samuel Stoll

2-4/06/20 UPROAR – Professor Bad Trip, KLANG, Montpellier, France
Playing the Welsh new music ensemble UPROAR with Saariaho’s Lichtbogen, Murail‘s Winter Fragments and Romitelli‘s Professor Bad Trip, including several new works by Welsh composers.

4-7/07/20 Riot Ensemble in Tzlil Meudcan,Tel Aviv, Israel
Repertoire to be confirmed.

22/10/20 Red note ensemble, Sound festival, Aberdeen
Guest musician with Rednote performing in a live stream premiere of Ben Lunn’s Th’first munth is th’wurst iv awl